
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Brantley- 8 months

My little munchkin is 8 months old! It hit me hard this past week that my tiny little once 9lb chunk is growing up SO fast. In just a few short months I'll be planning his first birthday! It brings tears to my eyes to think about that. Watching him grow and learn every day is a blessing and I couldn't be more proud of how smart he is.

These past weeks have been filled with all kinds of new discoveries and interesting things. Brantley can now crawl, pull up, and walk along the furniture like a pro. He says momma, and baba, he's v close to saying dada too. He holds his own battle too. & his 2 bottle teeth have broke the skin! He's not a fan of the waves at the beach but loves the sand. The river was a huge hit and he loves other babies.

My absolute favorite update is tale fact that we've tackled our bedtime hell! I can now lay him down with. A bottle and he goes to sleep alone.  Still not sleeping through the night but when he does wake up I can lay him down with a bottle and he'll go back to sleep alone! I'm hoping sleeping through the night will come soon though!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

It takes all kinds

Yesterday evening a friend and I decided to go to Village Inn for dinner, and it was the worst experience I've had yet as a new mom. When Brantley sees people eating and he doesn't have food he does the awful high pitched schreecing scream like noise that hurts my ears so bad... Even though we both shared our food with him, once he gets started doing it there really is no stopping it. I think I tend to aggravate who ever I'm dining with and I'm sure others there because I'm so used to it just can just tune it out and go on about my meal. At this particular dinner, I not only had to listen to Brantley but I also had to listen to the cook mock my child and make an ass of himself back in the kitchen. We were only a few tables away from the doorway and I was so close to getting up and marching back there and causing a huge seen. I was absolutely livid. So, here's what I have to say to him;

Dear Village Inn cook,

I don't know who you think you are, mocking my child but I really don't appreciate it. It's rude, immature,  and disrespectful. At 8 months old, he doesn't exactly listen to the word "NO". I realize no one wants to listen to him make those noises but I can't exactly do a whole lot about it.  Thank you for making the whole experience more embarrassing than it already was.  Thank you for being an asshole. That's just what all new mom's want.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A whole 'lotta stuff!

I haven't posted in forever! We've had SO much going on, every time I want to sit down and update something comes up! So, what's been going on in the Polk household lately you ask?

Well, as of May the 1st we are now the owners of a new 2013 Nissan Altima :) it was my mother's day present and I couldn't be happier with it! Brantley is also quite fond of it, he gets so happy when I roll down his back windows.

Last week we took a 4 day trip to the mountains of Tennessee and Gatlinburg.  We had such a good time and Brantley did awesome on the 10 hour drive. He loved the aquarium and was pretty fond of being worn in the Ergo while Justin and I hiked all over! We would love to live in the Knoxville/ Cleveland area one day and plan to seriously house hunt up there this time next year (hopefully) once our car is paid off :)

Brantley is growing like a weed and will be 8 months old in a few days! That will be a BIG update of it's own this weekend! He's learning and growing each day and it's an amazing thing to experience as his mother.

I have a pretty big personal update I'm going to post after I go to the doctor in a little bit!

I have to say, we've had a pretty slam packed few week! Justin left last night and I miss him like crazy as usual but it's nice to have time to get my house back in order after vacation.