
Friday, November 21, 2014

Brantley, 14 months

Once again I'm here with an update on my big guy! 14 whole months have pashed since the day I gave birth and I seriously can't believe it. it's amazing to see the changes in him as he grows. He's learned SO many things these past few month.... He can now open all the doors, he build the cutest little things with his mega blocks, and he takes directions so well. I'm honestly amazed at how well he listens. I mean, it's simple things like 'out' when we leave a room, he hands things to me when I ask, and thankfully, he listens to 'no' more often than not. We most definitely have our ups & downs with his growing attitude as I addressed in my last post, but he's coming around well.

I know all these updates sound so similar but he's just learning so much so quickly!

Friday, November 14, 2014

My child the terror

These last few weeks have now doubt been a BIG adjustment for Brantley! I've tried to keep that in mind when he misbehaves, but his attitude had been so out of control lately that I'm at a loss. I know a huge part of it is just his age, not knowing any better,  and testing his boundaries so to speak. I still can't help but feel like the little brat has it out for me, hahah!

I'm so torn on how to go about disabling and teaching him right from wrong.  I always try redirection a few times before I swat his hand or butt. It seems like nothing gets through to him! He just screams, all the time. I don't even know what to do anymore!