
Wednesday, December 31, 2014


This past year hasn't been the best for my little family.  We've struggled a lot and had many downs. Justin lost his awesome off shore job, which eventually left us broke and wondering what to do next. We reluctantly decided that a move to Michigan with my family was about the only thing that would pull us out of our hole. At first I was very excited but the monger we stay here to more in realize it was a terrible decision. Our happiness has taken a huge blow, along with out marriage. We've begun working on all of this recently and are hoping to get our own apartment around February. 

2014 also came with a few ups! My sweet boy turned one! I got a new car and we found out we're expecting baby #2! I'm over the moon to be having another baby, even if it's n9t the ideal situation.

I'm going to be a cliché right now, but I can only hope that 2015 brings better things for us.