Monday, July 27, 2015
Long time no post!
It's been 3 months today since my last post and a LOT has happened in those 3 months! To start with, we had a baby!
Gannon Dean made his arrival after just short of 5 hours of BRUTAL labor and 7 minutes of pushing on June 3rd weighing in at 8lbs and 20in long. He was the sweetest tiniest thing I've ever seen and my heart melted the second he was placed on my chest.
This time around labor was MUCH harder and 8 hours shorter than my last and pushing was mush easier. I will say that you truly do forget the pain as soon as it's over, thinking back I know how painful my labor was but I can't remember it, if that makes sense. I still absolutely loved being in labor and the act of giving birth. It's the most empowering, amazing thing I've ever done and I can't believe my body has down it not just once, but TWICE.
At nearly 2 months old Gannon is still the sweetest little thing. He sleeps like a dream, nurses like a champ, and wants to be held constantly when he's awake. He's already grown almost 3in and gained over 4lbs, mommas mil is doing its job!
Brantley is filling the big brother roll well, aside from always stealing Gannons socks he absolutely loves him. He asks to hold him all the time and jumps the the chance to entertain him during tummy time. We've had a lot of trouble with his sleeping and behavior but that's a post all its own one day soon.
Justin has decided to go back to school this fall and I couldn't be prouder of him. He's going to for his Masters doing something with computers.
That's all I feel like typing up today, so that's all you get 😄