
Saturday, January 11, 2014

"It could be worse"

As an oil field wife I find my self hearing this statement quite often. People ask what my husband does for a living and I always answer with "He's in the oilfield". Surprisingly many people question me further as they have no clue what that field consists of, which gets irritating but I suppose it comes with the territory and I can live with it. What I can't live with though, is the constant pity. If I had a penny for every time I've been told "I'm sorry." "I couldn't do it.", "That must suck." or even "Lucky, I wish I got time away from my husband" I'd have a shit load of pennies...

I can't stand pity, it makes me feel weak and I am far from weak. Do not pity me because my husband works away from home, don't tell me I'm lucky that I get time apart from my husband. I don't want time away from my husband. I married him to be with him, not to spend litteraly half or our relationship apart.

There aren't many people in my area that know how tough it is to be an oil field wife, so I joined a Facebook group and met quite a few woman in my area that I've become close with and it's so wonderful to have woman I can relate to. They don't pity me. One thing I've ran in to is a lot of them seem to think that because of my husband being on a 7/7 rotation that we have it easy. I get extremely sick of woman trying to tell me it could be worse, or I don't know how hard it is because he only does 7/7. I will venture to say that 7/7 is one of the worst rotations you can get. It sucks, and it sucks hard. I don't care what rotation your husband works, we all have it tough and I don't get why someone always has to one up the other person.

I guess long story short, I'm just in a funk tonight and have a lot to bitch about. And that would be why this posy is all over the place.

1 comment:

  1. Just know you have some support from a fellow single married woman. I will always be here for you girl. It doesn't matter what rotation a hubby works, any time apart is miserable. Yes, with 7/7 you get to see him more frequently, but I don't think people realize that is still half the year alone. Ugh, if only people TRULY understood!
