
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Brantley - 6 months

My sweet sweet boy is half a year old! It's going by so fast and he's getting so big. From 9 lbs 21 inches to 17 lbs and 26.5 inches!

Little Brantley can sit completely unassisted now and is nearly crawling.  He even pulls himself up on the laundry and toy baskets. He loves playing with his colorful cloth diapers and scooting about on the floors.

Now that he's reached 6 months we started baby led weaning for our solids route. He's tried avocado, bananas, green beans, and squash.  Next on the list is brocoli and zucchini.  His spitting up has also greatly decreased!

The last 2 weeks have been rough.  He's hit a growth spurt on top of the 6 month sleep regression.  Not to mention he's extremely clingy.  He wants mommy and only mommy. And he wants me all the time, if I set him down for even a second he goes in to full meltdown mode.  He's also only sleeping in out bed, and he has to be right up against me with his little baby had holding on toy shirt.

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