
Monday, April 20, 2015

Bad blogger!

It has literally been 4 months since my last blog! I'm not going to lie, I've thought about updating 100 times but everytime Brantley has either got me busy or my phone is nearly dead so I never act got around to it!

Speaking of that monster, he's just that, a complete monster! He gets in to everything, climbs like a monkey, eats like a horse and throws fits like you've never seen! He's a very independent little boy, but if you don't jump when he wants you be prepared for a tantrum of epic proportion! That's something we've been working on alot lately with baby #2 on the way. I've come to the conclusion that he knows he'll no longer be the only baby, he's gotten so cuddly, always wants to he held and he's really taken to cosleeping. My only really worry with him is that he still doesn't talk much. I know he wants to, from the amount of baby babbling he does daily, but he just won't talk. He probably says 15 words, but very sparingly and only wen he wants to. I can tell that once he starts talking though he'll never stop! 

Now for an update on Baby #2! We found out that he is a he! I'm so excited to be having another boy, for right now we refer to him as Baby G since we decided to keep his name a secret until his birth. I did tell a few friends that I know wouldn't have rude things to say though, I was dying trying to keep it a secret from everyone! I'm 34 weeks along and feeling nothing short of huge! I have a feeling that he will either be one extreme or the other in terms of size, either 6lbs or 10lbs! I feel like it's another big boy, but I could be very wrong! I decided to take birth classes this time and I'm SO happy we did, Justin and I both learned alot ad I really got a feel for the hospital which eased alot of my anxiety. I was unbelievably happy to learn they really encourage moving during labor, and even have a jacuzzi tub for me to labor in! It's the complete opposite of the hospital I had Brantley at, they basically hooked me to every wire they could find and gave me one of those gross bedside toilets so I was extremely confined to the bed which was obviously the opposite of what I wanted! I'm very hopeful that I can have the natural experience I want this time and my OB is very on board with that. I also think the birth classes really helped reiterate everything I tell Justin and about assisting me and I think he's going to be alot more prepared this time.

Finally, I suppose I can touch on our living situation.... it still sucks. We toyed with the idea of moving around tax season but after really crunching numbers neither of us were comfortable with it. For the most part we co exist pretty well but we do have days that shit hits the fan, thankfully they're rare though!

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