
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Brantley- 4 months

I suppose since I never did a 1 or 3 month update I'll just stick to every other month.
Brantley hit 4 months on the 24th and we went to the doctor for a well baby visit and his shots. He weighed in at 15 lbs 7 oz and was 25 inches long! He's growing like a weed! He did better with his
is shots than last time, though he still didn't take it well, my poor little butt :(

We're still battling what I feel is an abnormal about of spitting up. I had been planning to switch him to soy formula instead of just the sensitive, but to do so I needed a prescription for the WIC office in order to give me the checks for soy formula. A few days before the doctors appointment I got a letter from the WIC office and due to changing calorie counts they'll be changing what they provide from Similac sensitive to Similac soy,  we will be switching his formula in the next few weeks. Hopefully we can get his tummy troubles straightened out!

On a brighter note, my little man is on the move! He can roll from his back to his belly and he's quite fond of rolling all over the house. It won't be long before he's crawling! We got the OK from the doctor to start baby food, we've tried it a few times and he's not to interested so we're going to wait a few weeks and try again. He's loving his toys and chews on anything he can get in his mouth. He loves to make noise and has this crazy screechy noise he makes we hen he's happy. Being a naked butt is probably his favorite thing so far, he loves bath time and showers. Getting dressed is a fight as always. He's still not sleeping through the night, unfortunately. But I'm hoping it'll come soon. Mommy's tired! He loves the swing, still, and he's coming around the the jumperoo. I'm slowly packing away the 0-3 month clothes, mostly because I don't want to admit he's grown out of them all now. My little man is getting so big!

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