
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Small milestones

Once you have a baby, it seems as if they're constantly learning something new! I feel like Brantley does something new every day!

Lately he's discovered his feet! He loves to grab them and put his little toes in his mouth, it's to cute. Pretty soon he's going to be holding his own bottle and probably crawling, that's a pretty big milestone though. It's such a bitter sweet feeling to watch him grow, I'm beyond excited to see him grow and learn but at the same time I want him to stay my sweet innocent little boy forever. He's completely outgrown his 0-3 month clothes, though now that I'm seeing how good his 3-6 month stuff fits I'm realizing in should have switched everything out over a month ago! He's always been long and he actually outgrew 0-3 month jammies at just barely 2 months old, but to actually box up all his tiny baby clothes (something I've been avoiding) makes it all so real! My newborn isn't a newborn anymore!

Seeing all these small things, along with the big, makes me thankful that I've been blessed enough to be able to he a mommy and experience the joy that is motherhood.

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